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Balloons Balloon

Balloons Balloon
Type Balloon
Developer(s) Galla, Zichqec
Origin Original design
Made for Balloons
Directional No
Characters 1
Special font Essays 1743
Release date May 8th, 2022

Balloons Balloon is a balloon created for the ghost Balloons, for Ghost Jam 2022. It is drawn by Galla and assembled by Zichqec.

The balloon is themed after helium balloons, and features two modes; Inflated, where there are full balloons around the side of the text area, and Slim, which has a much more compact design with pixel balloons decorating the border. Both modes have the same size text area.

Each mode has two sizes; regular and large.

The balloon makes use of the Essays 1743 font, which is bundled with the balloon and does not need to be installed separately.