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Irken Balloon Simplified

Irken Balloon Simplified
Type Balloon
Developer(s) Levidre
Origin Invader Zim
Made for Zim and Gir
Directional No
Characters 2
Special font Astron1)
Release dateApril 9th, 2022

This article is about the simplified Irken Balloon, which has a simpler design/font. For a similar balloon with a themed font, see Irken Balloon.

Irken Balloon Simplified is a balloon by Levidre, themed to fit the look of Invader Zim. It is made to be easier to read, with a simpler font.

The sakura balloon has a purple color scheme, while the kero balloon has a blue color scheme. Each balloon has two sizes; small and large.

The balloon comes bundled with a modified version of the Astron font, which will be used without needing to install it manually.

The balloon comes bundled with a modified version of the font