March 10th, 2024: The style guide has had an overhaul to make it easier to understand! Please check what's changed, and chime in with feedback so that our wiki can continue to improve.


The content on this page is no longer available to download. It is preserved here for posterity, new downloads should not be created without the permission of the original developer.

Type Balloon
Developer(s) Quonit
Origin Original design
Made for Juan & Sha
Directional Yes
Characters 2
Release date December 14th, 2018
No download available1)

J&S is a balloon by Quonit, for the ghost Juan & Sha. The sakura balloon features a guitar design, while the kero balloon resembles a crumpled and dirty piece of paper or cloth.

Each balloon has 2 sizes; small and large.

Note that due to the pna files applying additional transparency data, the gallery images on this page may appear slightly different from the balloon in real use.