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MLP Balloon

This creation has had an update since this page was written. Please ensure the content of this page is up to date with the latest version, then remove this banner.

MLP Balloon
Type Balloon
Developer(s) OdieDogXP
Origin Original design
Made for Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash
Directional No
Characters 2
Release date October 12th, 20201)

MLP Balloon is a balloon created by OdieDogXP, to go with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. The sakura balloons are pink, to match Pinkie Pie, while the kero balloons are blue, to match Rainbow Dash.

Each balloon has 2 sizes; small and large.

Original download post has been removed, this date was taken from the download date on a copy of the original .nar file and may not be exactly accurate.