March 10th, 2024: The style guide has had an overhaul to make it easier to understand! Please check what's changed, and chime in with feedback so that our wiki can continue to improve.


Type Balloon
Developer(s) Zdzisiu
Made for MiniDev
Directional No
Characters 11)
Special font Pixel2)
Release date July 3rd, 2020

Pixel is a balloon made by Zdzisiu, for MiniDev. It is a simple black balloon with choppy edges. It comes with a custom-made font by Zdzisiu, called Pixel, that must be installed by the user.

The balloon has 3 sizes; small, large, and extra large.

There are separate files for the sakura and kero balloons, but they match each other exactly
Custom made, bundled with the balloon's files