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Reading is for Owls

Reading is for Owls
Type Balloon
Developer(s) Zichqec
Origin Original design
Made for May I have a book please?
Directional Sometimes1)
Characters 1
Release date May 3rd, 2024

Reading is for Owls is a balloon made by Zichqec, for May I have a book please?. The balloon is based on the design of the freeshell used by the ghost, and features a border with a wood texture, as well as some “pages” or “feathers” on top.

The balloon comes with different tail options, including no tail, tails on the sides, and tails on the bottom.

The balloon comes in 3 sizes: small, large, and an additional tiny balloon that can only fit one or two words at a time.

the designs with side tails are directional, while the other ones are not