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Ricc's Balloon

Ricc's Balloon
Type Balloon
Developer(s) BittyBatty1)
Origin Original design
Made for Riccardo
Directional No2)
Characters 2
Release date (Unknown)

Ricc's Balloon is a balloon made by BittyBatty, for Riccardo. It is primarily themed like a book with a gold bookmark, but there also exists a design with a starry background.

The sakura's balloon has 2 sizes; small and large.

The kero balloon uses some pieces from the Z - Simple balloon, which are omitted here. For this reason, the kero's small balloon appears to be directional, but it is not.

Craftman listed as Fursie
The kero's b2 balloon is directional, but it is also just remnants of the template balloon and so is not counted