March 10th, 2024: The style guide has had an overhaul to make it easier to understand! Please check what's changed, and chime in with feedback so that our wiki can continue to improve.

UC Undertale

UC Undertale
Type Balloon
Developer(s) Ymuy1)
Origin Undertale
Made for UC Sans Ghost
Directional No
Characters 2
Special font Comic Sans UT • Determination Mono
Release date December 26th, 2017

UC Undertale is a modified version of Zarla's Z - Undertale balloon, adding additional sizes.

The sakura balloon has 4 sizes; small, large, wide, and extra wide; while the kero balloon has two sizes; small and large.

The balloon uses the fonts Comic Sans UT and Determination mono, which come bundled with it and must be installed manually from its folder.

Modified from Z - Undertale by Zarla