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Type Ghost
Developer(s) Smoky
Origin Original character
Sakura Stickerbook
Language(s) English
Release date October 21st, 2022

Stickerbook is a ghost by SmokyCinnamonroll, which allows the user to earn stickers for learning to play new songs. The user may tell the book what song they want to learn, and later tell it when they have finished learning the song.

The book will keep track of what dates the user started and finished learning each song.

Table of Contents


  • Tracks what songs the user is and has finished learning, including beginning and ending dates
  • Displays the song names on the pages of the book, if the user is using the included Stickerbook Balloon
  • Different colors available as dressups


Stickerbook comes bundled with a balloon called Stickerbook Balloon. It is a simple balloon, with a special mode for displaying text over the sakura's surface.