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Stray Dogs Bar

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Stray Dogs Bar
Type Ghost
Developer(s) Venelona
Origin Bungou Stray Dogs
Sakura Dazai
Language(s) English
Release date May 31st, 2024

Content warning: This ghost includes mentions of suicide, violence, alcohol and drug use, and underage drinking (by Japan's standards - Dazai is 18 years old in this)

Spoiler warning: This version of Dazai is taken from season 2 of Bungou Stray Dogs. As such, his dialogue includes spoilers for the events of the show.

Stray Dogs Bar is a ghost of a character named Dazai Osamu from the manga and anime series Bungou Stray Dogs, created for Ghost Jam 2024. He's a mere patron in this bar, a stranger the user gets to meet and have conversations with, and perhaps even befriend over time.

The ghost will sit at the bar and drink whiskey as he waits for his two companions to meet him, talking to the user as another bar patron and striking convrsation to pass the time.

Table of Contents


  • A relationship system with unlockable dialogue as it progresses.
  • Plethora of changing statuses in the 'status' section, depending on the user's level of relationship and conversations they've had.
  • The user can order different drinks at the bar, prompting new dialogue.
  • If the user gains his strust he'll let them pat his head.
  • The user can spook Dazai by asking him about people he isn't supposed to know yet (random chance to appear in questions section).
  • A tiny chance he will mention Akutagawa one time and then will never bring him up ever again.


Dazai comes with the balloon BSDloon, to match his theme.