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Welcome Home

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Welcome Home
Type Ghost
Developer(s) idk, thebubble-mancer
Origin Welcome Home
Sakura Wally Darling
Language(s) English
Release date May 18th, 2023

Content Warning: staring, glitches, unreality. These are disabled by default.

Welcome Home is a 1-character ghost created for Ghost Jam 2023. The ghost is based off of the eponymous horror project and features its most prominent character, Wally Darling. The main focus of this ghost is on idle dialogue, having a special dialogue pool it can occasionally draw from.


  • Customized text speed
  • Special dialogue pool for horror content
    • Can be turned on or off

Horror content

After some time has passed, there is a chance that the idle dialogue pool will be replaced with a special dialogue pool when AiTalk is called. The ghost will say unsettling things to catch the user off guard. The ghost's appearance will also change to reflect this.

Click to reveal horror content example (staring)


Welcome Home comes bundled with the balloon Letters (WH). It is a simple balloon with crayon scribble-like details.