March 10th, 2024: The style guide has had an overhaul to make it easier to understand! Please check what's changed, and chime in with feedback so that our wiki can continue to improve.


Type Balloon
Developer(s) Zichqec
Origin Original design
Directional No
Characters 1
Release date February 8th, 2022

Minimalism is a balloon created by Zichqec as a challenge to see how few files a balloon actually requires to overwrite all the default images. It has 6 files total, and only includes a single balloon and an input box.

The balloon has a simple, clean aesthetic, with a white background and small black text. The arrows, choice marker, and online marker all share the same image; a simple gray circle.

A readme file is not included in the balloon, and instead that information is included as commented text in the install.txt file.