EasyDelete is a tool created by Pommy, which allows developers to easily add many files to their ghost's delete.txt.
The files to be added to delete.txt should be dragged and dropped onto the program's exe file (not the program's window, the exe should not be double clicked). The program will attempt to detect the proper place in the ghost's directory to place the delete.txt file, and will create a new delete.txt file, with the ghost's folder name prepended onto it. This is to prevent accidental overwriting of important data. If this file already exists, new data will be appended to the end of it.
The program will state where it generated the text file at. The user must press enter to continue before it will write the file names to the file.
Each file that was dragged onto the .exe file will have its path added to the text file, each on a new line, as is the required format for delete.txt. This can then be copied and pasted into the real delete.txt, and the file generated by EasyDelete may be deleted.