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Image Coordinate Clicker

Image Coordinate Clicker
Type Tool
Developer(s) jcGyo
Release date January 20th, 2021

Image Coordinate Clicker is an online tool created by jcGyo. It is a tool to assist in creating polygon collisions, by allowing the user to upload an image file, and then click the points on the image that they wish to be the points of the polygon. The list of coordinates can then be copied and pasted directly into surfaces.txt.


First, the user must click the Choose File button and pick an image file to work on. The image will be displayed below the coordinate output box.

The user may click any point on the image in order to record the coordinates where they clicked to the output box. Clicking the Clear button will clear the output box.

There are two options for the formatting of the coordinate output; Line break will output pairs of coordinates separated by commas, with each pair on its own line. Comma will output pairs of coordinates separated by commas, all in a single line. The Comma option is the same formatting used for polygon collisions by surfaces.txt, and if using this option, the output may be copied directly with no additional processing needed.