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DG - Don't Starve

DG - Don't Starve
Type Balloon
Developer(s) Digi
Origin Don't Starve
Made for The Wretched Scientist
Directional No
Characters 2
Special font Belisa plumilla manual plus
Release date October 11th, 2021

For a version of the same balloon with an easier to read font, see DG - Don't Starve Alt.

DG - Don't Starve is a balloon made by Digi, themed after Don't Starve.

The sakura balloon has a reddish tone, while the kero balloon has a blue-ish tone. Each balloon has two sizes; small and large.

The balloon comes bundled with the Belisa plumilla manual plus font, which must be installed manually from the balloon's folder in order to see it in the balloon.