March 10th, 2024: The style guide has had an overhaul to make it easier to understand! Please check what's changed, and chime in with feedback so that our wiki can continue to improve.


Type Balloon
Developer(s) Galla, Zichqec
Origin Original design
Made for Needle
Directional No
Characters 1
Release date May 11th, 2022

Needloon is a balloon made for Needle. Every feature of the balloon is made from the surface of Needle's master shell, including the balloon backgrounds, the arrows, the choice marker, and the online marker. The image in question has been warped and stretched as needed until the right shapes were made.

The online marker has 61 frames of animation, and uses the onlinemarker interval feature to make the animation move quickly, resulting in a smooth rotating motion.

The balloon has 2 sizes; small and large.

Text for this balloon begins typing in the middle vertically, but can scroll up past the center point if the dialogue gets long enough.