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Rose Vine

Rose Vine
Type Balloon
Developer(s) Galla
Origin Original design
Made for (As-of-yet unreleased ghost)
Directional Yes
Characters 2
Special font Elmessiri
Release date October 22nd, 2022

This article is about the version of the Rose Vine balloon with each balloon saved for different characters. For the version with all balloons available as the sakura balloon, see Rose VineS.

Rose Vine is a balloon made by Galla, for an as-of-yet unreleased ghost. The balloon is a simple box design, with a decorative vine on one side. The vine is topped by a rose for the sakura balloon.

Which direction the balloon is facing changes which side the vine is on, as well as which side the arrows will appear on.

This balloon makes use of the Elmessiri font, which is bundled with it and does not need to be installed separately.