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8/20 Hydrate Shell Jam 2024

8/20 Hydrate Shell Jam 2024
Type Event
Event host Zichqec
Submissions 12
Event duration 24 hours
Event start August 20th, 12:00AM1)
Event end August 20th, 11:59PM2)
Announcement PostResults Post

8/20 Hydrate Shell Jam 2024 was an event run by Zichqec, to create new shells for the ghost Hydrate on 8/20 (August 20th), referred to by Zichqec as “hydrate day”3). It was a very short event, lasting only for the duration of the day.

The event was run entirely within the Ukagaka Dream Team Discord Server, and as such, the announcement post is only available to view from inside that server.

This event features an announcement banner created by Internet Teacup, and is the first of the 8/20 Hydrate Shell Jam events to have one.


The following is an exact transcription of the original rules, as posted in the Ukagaka Dream Team Discord Server. Click here for a screenshot of the rules as seen in their original context.

1. Create a brand new shell for Hydrate. You can do it from scratch or use this simple template I made as a base.
• Shells can be as simple or complex as you want; a shell with a single image is a perfectly fine submission!
• Shells cannot include content generated with AI tools.
2. To be a “”“valid”“” Hydrate shell, it must be something that can hold liquid. You can get creative with this! Cups, bottles, pots, fountains, plastic bags, a garden hose??? Have fun with it!
3. Completed submissions should be posted in #ghost_general before the end of the event, using the provided submission form. They must mention that they are for the 8/20 Hydrate Shell Jam.
4. Multiple submissions and teaming up are welcome!

Submission form
Submissions will be shared in a compilation post on Tumblr and Ukadon. By participating, you are agreeing to allow your submission to be featured in this way. If you have concerns, please DM me about it.

Note that if you attach your nar file directly to your release message, your submission will be treated as “server exclusive”, and users will have to join the server to download it. It is preferred to use a download link on a personal website, social media post, etc., if you can. (Direct download links such as dropbox/mediafire are not acceptable on their own.)

Make sure you fill out the submission form accurately, as I will use the info as given. If you have questions, do ask!

Please include the name and link each teammate (including yourself) should be credited by! If you include no link, I will list you by name only.

Shell name:
Teammates: (This includes yourself!)
Download link: (Omit if attaching directly)
Short description:


1) , 2)
It is a joke based on this section of this YouTube video: