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Type Ghost
Developer(s) Zdzisiu
Origin Original Character
Language(s) English
Sakura Cat
Released July 7th, 2020

Cat is a ghost by Zdzisiu. It features a cat character with no dialogue, only sounds of meowing and purring.

The ghost can be put into relax mode, where it will purr on a loop nonstop.

Table of Contents


  • Silent mode
  • Relax mode


Name Description
Old Cat The default shell. A shadow cat with floating spots and yellow eyes.
External Shells
Black Cat A black cat with its tail wrapped over its nose. It breathes slightly, and has some dressups for white spotting available.
Juniper A black cat with one yellow eye and one blue eye, by StrangelyKai.
Sketchy A white cat in a sketchy art style, which cycles constantly between two frames.


Cat uses the Cat Paws balloon, a balloon with concave edges and cat paws for markers.