March 10th, 2024: The style guide has had an overhaul to make it easier to understand! Please check what's changed, and chime in with feedback so that our wiki can continue to improve.


SAORI (Supplemental Archive Onto Restricted Intelligence) refers to external programs that a ghost1) may call upon, to execute code outside the scope of the language the ghost is written in.

There are two standards for SAORI; SAORI-universal, and SAORI-basic. Depending on which SHIORI is being used, the developer may need to use the proxy SAORI to run SAORI-basic.

SAORI vary greatly due to their nature, and multiple options can be found on our SAORI List. Additionally, many SAORI may be found at this SAORI COLLECTION page, though the download links for these are very old and often broken.


SAORI-universal refers to SAORI which are compiled as .dll files. These must follow a specific standard, and many of them are written in C++. They have the ability to return an array of values in addition to their normal return value.

The CSAORI sample class is available for creating SAORI-universal in C++, though using it is not necessary.


SAORI-basic refers to SAORI which are compiled as .exe files. These can be written in a variety of languages, including languages like Python. These have a much simpler setup than SAORI-universal; all they need to do is take command line input, and the standard output will be used as the return value.

Or a plugin, MAKOTO, etc.