What is Etc. Jam?
Etc. Jam is a new event we're trying out, where participants have a week to make a ghost-related thing that is not a ghost itself! For example; balloons, shells, and guides.
If you've never made a ghost/etc. before, this may be a good way to get your feet wet by making a small project! And if you're already a contributor, then this may be a chance to try something new, or complete a side project that you've been meaning to get to! Side projects like these are a great way to contribute to the community, and round out your ukagaka development skillset.
Participants that successfully release a project as part of the jam will be awarded the @Etc. Jam 2023 badge, and will have their creation promoted on our Tumblr blog as part of the conclusion of the event! Additionally, the @Contributor badge will be given if it has not been earned yet, as well as any appropriate contributor roles such as @Balloon Maker and @Guide Maker.
• You may not work on your project outside of the specified timeframe.
• You may work solo, or team up with others. Teams can be any size you like.
• If you're looking for teammates, try #collab_help_wanted and #reply_collab!
• You may only be on one team at a time. Once you have left a team you cannot rejoin it.
• All members of your team must be credited on the submission form.
• Submissions must be posted to the appropriate channels, using the provided submission form. See the submission form section for details.
• You may either start from scratch, or use a
publicly available template from the list of approved templates below.
• As this is our first time hosting a jam of this kind, we don't have many templates available yet! If you would like to use a template that is not covered below, please contact the moderator team so that we can approve it.
• Premade assets are
not allowed as a part of this jam; all assets must be newly created.
• Usage of AI to generate assets is
not permitted.
Note that submissions that are found to be breaking these rules may be disqualified, even retroactively.
Acceptable submission types
The following types of projects are acceptable submissions for this jam:
• Translations
• This can be of a ghost, tool, documentation, etc.
• Shells
• This includes shells for existing ghosts such as FLELE, Hydrate, sans, etc.
• This also includes Freeshells, which are shells made for other developers to use freely to create their own ghosts with.
• This can also include Free Materials, which are the art assets of a shell without the shell coding.
• Plugins
• Calendar skins
• Balloons
• Guides
• These can be guides for developers or guides for users, so long as it is directly related to ghosts and/or SSP.
These cover most of the different types of contributor roles we have, but please note that there are a few exceptions. The following are
not permissible submissions for this jam:
• External tools
• External tools refers to 3rd party programs used to aid development, such as Tama, Coordin, etc.
• Free code snippets
Approved templates
The following templates are permissible to use for this jam. If you know of another
publicly available template that you would like to use, please contact the moderator team and get it approved in advance of the jam!
List of approved templates
Looking for an additional challenge? Here are some things you can try to push yourself during this jam! These are
completely optional, and they do not provide any additional badges within the server (though they will get a note on our wiki).
24 hour challenge
How much can you get done in just 24 hours? Submit at least one entry within the first 24 hours of the jam to qualify for this challenge. Note that submissions for this challenge cannot be updated after the 24 hour period has ended, until the jam is complete.
Variety challenge
How many types of projects can you do for the jam? Submit at least two entries of different types (for example, a balloon and a guide) to qualify for this challenge.
This jam will begin on Friday, September 22, 2023 12:00 AM and end on Monday, September 25, 2023 12:00 AM. It is a 72 hour event.
Countdown timer for the beginning of the jam
Countdown timer for the end of the jam
Countdown timer for the 24 hour challenge deadline
Submission form
All entries must use the following submission form to be counted for the jam. This submission form is to be pasted directly into the channel where you submit your project in the server.
Please note that different types of entries will go in different channels.
• Submit
shells for existing ghosts to #ghost_download_links
• Submit
balloons, plugins, calendar skins, and guides for users to #ghost_extras
• Submit
SAORI, freeshells, free materials, and guides for developers to #dev_resources
If you are unsure where to submit your entry/entries, please ask a @Moderator.
Etc. Jam 2023 Submission
Project name:
Download link: (Omit if attaching directly)
Project type: (Balloon, Freeshell, Free materials, Guide, etc.)
Team: (Name & credit link for each person on your team - this includes yourself)
Can we show your project in promotional posts, such as on our tumblr blog and wiki?:
Short description:
Please double check what you write in the form, and ask a @Moderator if you are unsure how to fill it in. We will use answers here
exactly as they are written. Make sure you put down the name you want us to credit you by.
If you do not include a link for crediting, we will list you by name only.
If your creation is attached directly to your post as a file, and no public download link is provided, it will be treated as a
server only release and our compilation post on tumblr will list it as such.
Note: If you don't have a social media that you want to release your project on/use as your credit link, you may use our wiki to do so if you like! Please indicate on the form that you would like this to be done, and provide a link to a download of your project that can be listed on the wiki, such as a MediaFire or Dropbox link.
Here is an example of what a filled in form might look like:
Etc. Jam 2023 Submission
Project name: AngelBox (Biblically Accurate)
Download link: <
Project type: Balloon
Team: Zichqec <
https://ukagaka.zichqec.com/>, Galla <
Can we show your project in promotional posts, such as on our tumblr blog and wiki?: Yes
Short description: An expanded version of the AngelBox balloon, with all the same features, but in 43 different color options! All color options include alternate color arrows, markers, and even input boxes. Balloon base and galaxy patterns by me, and color options by Galla!
(Note that the <> around the links are used to prevent embeds.)
Since this is a brand new event, we'll be looking for feedback on all aspects of it! Please ask questions and share opinions/feedback in #🈸community_feedback so that we can improve the event.
Hype role
Hype for etc. jam? React with a :devparty: to get a blue name for the duration of the event and show your @Etc. Jam Hype! You're welcome to do this whether you plan to submit an entry or not!
Note that this role will be used to ping for announcements throughout the jam. The most critical announcements will ping everyone, as always, but additional announcements will be done via this role.
For the duration of the event, moderators will be listed separately in the user list and have names with @Mod Hype! cyan, so that we can be easily identified. Don't hesitate to ping us if you need @Moderator assistance!